Appointing someone to do something on behalf of another is originally permissible when one has some legal excuse, such as illness and so on. 当遇到如生病等合理原因而指定某人代替投石是可以的。
Legal principle, equal principle, argumentation definitude principle, excuse sufficient principle, obeying the truth principle, logic strictness principle. 主要原则有:依法原则、平等原则、论点明确原则、理由充分原则、服从真理原则、严密逻辑联系原则。
Legal duty is the mode of behavior which the actor ought to follow and the excuse for his liability when he deviates the behavior mode. 法律义务是主体应当采取的行为模式,并是引起偏离行为模式者的法律责任的正当理由。
But because of the absence of legal rights of financing, local governments in different levels have accumulated lots of contingent liabilities through making "diversity-financing" as an excuse. 但在无法定融资权的情况下,各级地方政府以多元化融资等多种名义举借,形成了大量的或有债务。
However, due to uncertainty of the legal concept of social stability, executive authorities often abuse the right to interpret the law, and refuse disclosure of government information on the excuse of threatening social stability. 但是,由于社会稳定这一法律概念的不确定性,行政机关在信息公开过程中往往会滥用法律解释权,以危及社会稳定为借口拒绝公开政府信息。